Ifeoma Ogbonnaya
3 min readJan 16, 2021
Ifeoma Ogbonnaya — Embracing the new normal
Photo by Amir Hosseini on Unsplash

Change - it is constant they say, and time has revealed this truth. If there’s one thing that further proves the common saying that tomorrow isn’t promised — this is it. We have seen, with the recent turn of events that it only takes a short while before life generally goes on an unexpected path and tomorrow could be all it takes for the world to change.

New normal is not a new term in the world’s vocabulary, back in 2008, it referred to the changes in financial conditions due to the global financial crisis which was faced at the time. Today, it has gone beyond that.

Globally, people have seen the need to analyze how things have been done and how they could lead to groundbreaking discoveries regarding how they can be done better. The coronavirus pandemic hit really hard and the term resurfaced but the new normal should not be limited to the avoidance of personal contact and social distancing.

This cuts across our lives both globally and personally. If anything, the lockdown gave us that opportunity to sit back and observe how far we have come. If nothing challenges what we’ve always known, there will be no need to advance.

New normal or not, it is ingrained in us as humans to look towards better things, to innovate, get creative, and make things happen. I mean, that is why we see the level of advancement in the world now and if I dare say, we haven’t seen anything yet.

Change is part of our lives. Whether we invite it or not, it takes many forms and the new normal is just another. There is no growth in staying the same, if there is a better way to get things done, I say we do not hesitate to ride on that train.

While the majority look forward to embracing a “new normal”, some of us can only expect things to “go back to normal”, but who says normal has to be what we have always known. Why can’t it be what we create?

However, if we look close enough, maybe we will realize that the new normal isn’t “new” because change itself is as old as mankind. It is not unnatural, neither is it uncommon.

“Life moves on and so should we” — Spencer Johnson, Who moved my cheese.

And if we do not embrace change we might just as well head-on into extinction.


If a system doesn’t work, do we keep it running because it’s what we’ve always known, or do we create something better?

The new normal is not scary nor does it have to be. It should be the flicker of hope that keeps us moving, something we not only look forward to but embrace rather than settle for mediocrity. We should learn from this experience, to strive for growth and excellence, that we may stay relevant as the world advances.

In all sectors — entertainment, corporate, health, economic, and so on, not leaving out our personal lives. There is always a way to do things better, there is never a wrong time to re-evaluate our way of life.

In our world, change is inevitable, life presents situations we didn’t ask for but one can only hope we are not caught unprepared in the future.

